Okay, riddle fans, guess, if you can, what kind of games are to be found on this collection. Flight sims? Nope. Coin-op beat-’em-up conversions? Uh-uh. Hanna-Barbera cartoon character licences? Got it in one, Sherlock.
The four games collected on the one disk of this package vary wildly from the groovy to the ghastly, so here’s a quick rundown from top to bottom.
Yogi’s Great Escape is a horizontally-scrolling platformer with charming graphics and Mario-tinged gameplay that’s acceptably involving and addictive, in that you do find yourself seized by the urge to see just a little bit more. Extremely playable and good simple fun, it’s by far the best game here.
A little further down the ladder we find Hong Kong Phooey, another platforms-and-ladders job with quite a bit in common with last month’s 90 percent rated Scooby and Scrappy game. It’s a much cruder version of it, without the gorgeous graphics, parallax scrolling and slick playability, but it’s still enjoyable, and some nice bits of presentation and something approaching the proper music help it retain a feel of the cult cartoon. Not too bad at all.
Ruff And Reddy (In The Space Adventure) keeps up the platform count with an embarrassingly straightforward effort which looks like it was programmed with some sort of game construction kit. Animation is minimal, the screens flick instead of scrolling (and the positions of all the enemies reset when you leave the screen, making clever timing impossible and unnecessary) and Ruff appears to play no part in the game at all. Rubbish, quite frankly.
Finally, we have Top Cat (In Beverly Hills Cats) which was reviewed by yours truly in issue five, scoring a rather generous 46 percent. It hasn’t improved any. An arcade adventure very 8-bit in feel, it’s illogical, lazily designed, unimpressively programmed and generally so workmanlike that it’s just intensely depressing to play. This is the kind of thing that gives budget games a bad name.
So, in time-honoured summing-up tradition, this compilation comprises one really good game, one okayish one, and a pair of real duffers. You’d do much better to get Yogi’s Great Escape by itself and buy Hong Kong Phhoey if you’re feeling overburdened with cash this month and you’ve already got Scooby And Scrappy Doo.
When you consider that the four games would only have cost £28 in the first place, this isn’t the best value compilation ever.