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Endlich wieder eine Compilation ohne Wenn und Aber: Ocean bietet hier dem preis-bewßten Joystick-Artisten gleich drei Mega-Hammer für 69 Mark; sozusagen ein vorgezogenes Weihnachtsgeschenk!

Das wäre einmal Bubble Bobble, die berühmte Arcadeumsetzung mit den süßen Knuddel-Drachen, dann der absolut geniale Nachfolger Rainbow Islands und schließlich noch New Zealand Story, wo ein nicht minder putziges Küken über allerlei Plattformen gescheucht wird.

Jeder dieser Geschicklichkeitstests war zu seiner Zeit ein Hit - soviel Qualität für sowenig Geld findet man nun wirklich nicht alle Tage!

Titel Bewertung Anzahl der Spiele Preis Hersteller Genre
Rainbow Collection Super 3 69,- DM Ocean Arcade

Rainbow Collection logo

Cute alert! Cute alert! If you hate anything fluffy, cuddly or loveable, stop reading now The first release on Ocean’s new Addicted To Fun compilations label comprises three of the most adorably sweet (or grindingly twee and sickly, depending on your viewpoint) games ever to grace the Amiga.

There’s New Zealand Story, featuring Tiki the kiwi on a mission to rescue all his kiwi chums, who’ve been kidnapped by an evil giant walrus. Then there’s Bubble Bobble, in which Bub and Bob the dinosaurs strive to rescue their girlfriends from the evil Baron von Blubba by trapping nasty monsters inside bubbles and popping them.

And finally (Cyril) there’s Rainbow Islands, the sequel to Bubble Bobble where Bub and Bob’s sons, Bubby And Bobby, have to rescue their dads and the rest of their family from the evil Prince Of Darkness who has imprisoned them on a series of islands which are slowly sinking into the sea.

All of the games feature in the Amiga Power All-Time Top 100, at positions 19, 53 and Number One respectively.

Now, the fact of the matter is that any self-respecting Amiga owner should already have all these games. Still, there are doubtless some of you out there who are new to the whole business, so here’s a quick rundown on why you should get out and buy this compilation right now.

The New Zealand Story, far from being just a pretty face, is one of the most challenging and addictive arcade games you’re every likely to play. The gorgeous graphics are the most striking feature, but the toughness of the gameplay in some of the later levels is astounding.

Bubble Bobble is one of the best ever games for two people playing simultaneously, and its hundred levels provide a challenge to test the most talented of gamers.

And Rainbow Islands? As the mathematically-competent among you will already have deduced, Rainbow Islands is, in our not-even-slightly-humble opinion, the best Amiga game there’s ever been. The ridiculous simple gameplay hides a myriad of hidden features and bonuses, and the difficulty is perfectly balanced so that anyone can play the first few levels, but hardly anyone’s ever finished it. In common with the other two titles it’s a superb (though not quite perfect) conversion of the coin-op, and it’s so playable it almost defies belief. If you haven’t got it, go and stick your head in a bucket of water until you see sense.

At less than seven quid a game, this compilation could well be the best value-for-money the Amiga has ever seen. I just can’t recommend it highly enough.

Rainbow Collection logo

(Addicted To Fun, £19.99)

Rainbow Islands: The official AMIGA POWER No. 1 Amiga game of all time. Need we say more? Oh, okay then, anyone who doesn’t have a copy of this yet is stupider than a thousand Edd The Ducks.
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Bubble Bobble: Corking arcade game that works best with two players but it’s still pretty entertaining with one. Misses the coin-op’s secret features, but includes all 100 levels. A winner.
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New Zealand Story: Brilliant platform adventure with a cast of thousands, all of them so loveable you’ll hate yourself for killing them. Well, almost. Cuter than a box of frogs and twice as much fun.
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