Just go back up a moment and take a look at the price of this game. Did you see that? Yep, a whole £30. For a football game. Still, thanks to a tie in with football company Mire you o get a top quality proper bouncy football to kick around. And it's going to give you a lot more pleasure than the disks you get with the package, that's for sure.
I didn't like Soccer Superstars. Play it for a while and I'm sure you'd agree with me. Actually, no. Don't play it for a while. Don't play it at all. Why? Well, if you thought of all the worst football gaming aspects possible, then came up with some more silly ones you'd be just about there.
Try the fact that when chasing after a player you will gradually catch him up but then, just when you're about within tackling distance, you'll stop catching up and jog along behind him.
Then there's the fact that, when kicked, the ball moves fast diagonally across the screen than it does horizontally. And if you lurk just on the bottom corner of the box and shoot diagonally towards the far post of the goal you're bound to score. Only don't try it from the top of the screen because the angle of the pitch is incredibly somehow different and the ball goes wide of the net.
And there are only two ways to hit the ball - a small tap will pass the ball to the nearest player, or you can hold the fire button down to build up power on a gauge and release when you have the power you want. Sadly, the gauge is tiny and consequently unusable. And I mustn't forget to mention the way that, if a player's running along and the scrolls off the screen, he stops moving, so your passes go amiss a hell of a lot. And I also can't forget the appalling dive-at-everything goalies. And the jittery nearest-player-to-the-ball selection.
There may be other niggles, but after playing the game a few times to get the gist of it before sitting down and winning the cup competition (you can either play a friendly game or enter the cup, and nothing else) on my first go by scoring 44 goals in six matches, I'd had enough.
I enjoy playing all sorts of games, and football games especially, and it's true to say I did have a teeny bit of fun with this one. But that is only because I kept annihilating all my opponents and I like to win. And because I didn't have to pay to play the thing.
And at £30 (even with a 'free' football), this is a hideously overpriced, badly programmed, bare bones footie game providing very little entertainment and fun.