F17 Challenge logo Project X logo CD32

Team 17 0924 291867 * £24.99 * Out now

"Die, die evil aliens," we cry somewhat over-exuberantly upon loading up Project-X. The object of the Project object object is stark and simple: just shoot everything that moves and some things that don't and collect as many power-ups as possible.

No, you don't have to ponder any strategy elements, or worry about the destruction of the galaxy, just kill the foreigners. The action flows fast and furious and the more accurate you are, the better your weapons become. Entertaining and incredibly playable.

Driving motor vehicles 'a toute vitesse' is champion fun and coincidentally F17 Challenge addresses the very same object.
Sixteen tracks to trundle around and a fast car prove ideal ingredients and you can choose to race a circuit or take the more gruelling route - the championship season.

F17 looks fine, and with three difficulty levels, you can up the ante when need be. But it's a one-player game which makes it difficult to race a friend. Lonesome racing drivers will enjoy it.

F17 Challenge logo Project X logo CD32

Hier noch einige Kurztests (Chuck Rock, Lotus Trilogy, Project X/F17 Challenge & Alien Breed Special Edition/Qwak) von aktuellen CD-Konvertierungen, denen man bei der Versilberung keine Neuheiten spendiert hat - und solchen, denen der Umstieg auf das neue Medium schlecht bekommt...

Dieser Doppelpack aus dem Hause der renommierten Actionspezialisten von Team 17 wurde ebenfalls nicht mit verbesserter Präsentation oder sonstigen Extrafeatures geadelt, doch immerhin hat man die einst nervige Lade-pausen auf ein Minimum reduziert und die Steuerung an das Joypad angepaßt.

Im Ergebnis spielt sich die nicht sonderlich abwechslungsreiche, aber ganz nette und mit zahlreichen Extrawaffen ausgestattete Horizontal-Knallerei "Project X" nun einen Tick besser als die Diskversion, während die langweilige Formel-1-Raserei "F17 Challenge" trotz flotter 3D-Optik noch immer nicht überzeugt.

Zumindest für Ballerfreaks ist die Scheibe somit eine Überlegung wert, trotz der mageren 69 Prozent.

F17 Challenge logo Project X logo CD32

Team 17, £24.99

Sadly, while Disposable Hero has learned its lesson regarding ludicrous difficulty before moving to the CD32, the world's second-hardest Amiga shoot-'em-up ever is just as unfriendly as it ever was on floppy.

The version on the CD is the slightly-easier-than-the-original Special Edition (86% in AP29) - I must have been in a really good mood that day), but it's still fearsomely annoying, never more so than when you STILL change to completely the wrong weapon by accidentally jiggling the joypad around while trying to avoid baddies, even though there's a joypad button to do the job now, and hence no need for it whatsoever. Grr.

F17 Challenge is crap (55% in AP30) and at £12.50 each, neither of these games represents a noticeable bargain.