Arrgh! It's over the cliff we go!

Lemmings 1 logo ACJ Award

Publisher: Psygnosis Price: £24.95

Mother Nature has come up with some pretty strange ways of keeping population levels stable, but none are so strange as that of the Lemming, a small vole-like rodent which inhabits sub-arctic regions of Scandinavia and North America.
When the population level of Lemmings become too great, these cute little critters make the ultimate sacrifice for their race - they throw themselves off the nearest cliff!

Take a tip or two from nature, Psygnosis have adapted the obscure life story of the Lemming and turned it into a multi-screen epic which sees you trying to halt the mass genocide of a race of dungaree clad, green-haired creatures. Your brief is simple - using your trusty mouse, you must guide the Lemmings to safety with a minimal number of fatalities en route.

Each level starts with a trapdoor creaking open and a cry of 'Let's Go!' The Lemmings then pour forth to their eventual doom. Our heroes file along the ground until they encounter an obstacle (in which case they turn around and walk back in the opposite direction) or die horribly.

Every Lemming starts its life as a walker but - with your divine intervention - they can be assigned various skills which will allow them to collectively construct a safe passage to the exit of each level.
By selecting one of the skills from a strip of icons which run along the base of the screen and then clicking on a Lemming, you can endow it with the skills of a climber, a floater, a digger, a blocker and even a suicidal bomber.

Each level requires you to save a minimum number of Lemmings before you can proceed to the next, if you fall you'll have to try again.
If, on the other hand, you find that things aren't going too well - large number of Lemmings are trapped, for example - then you can end it all by 'nuking' every Lemming that is left alive.
The poor little fellows stop what they are doing, hold their heads in pain and then with a last desperate cry of 'Oh no!', they explode in a shower of pixels.

The majority of the time you'll be trying to save the Lemmings on your own, but Psygnosis have built in a 2 player option, which adds an exciting new twist to the game.
This time, the object is to save more Lemmings than your opponent, by guiding them away from your opponent's exit point. This usually involves a large number of Lemming deaths, but it can be great fun.

Lemmings is absolutely brilliant. Psygnosis have managed to produce a game that is not only totally original, but also features the kind of addictive gameplay that will keep you coming back for more time and time again.
If you only ever intend buying one game for your Amiga, then it's got to be Lemmings. Put simply, Lemmings is an absolute Amiga classic.

Lemmings 1: Explanation of icons used in the game
01. CLIMBER - As the name suggests, the Climber icon endows a lemming with the skills of a climber, he can now climb over just about any obstacle.
02. FLOATER - A Floater Lemming is equipped with an umbrella which allows him to fall from a great height without being hurt.
03. BOMBER - This suicidal Lemming is no coward - he can be useful for blowing away sections of the scenery.
04. BLOCKER - A blocker will halt the flow of Lemmings in a particular direction.
05. BUILDER - This constructive fellow will build bridges over any holes which stand in his way.
06. BASHER - The basher is a destructive fellow. His role in life is to bash a tunnel through an obstacle.
07. MINER - Same as the basher, but digs diagonally.
08. DIGGER - Once again, the Digger is very similar to the Basher, but he digs straight down.
09. PAWS - A programmer's joke, this. Pauses the game. (Paws, Pause - geddit?)
10. NUKE - Oh No! Double click on this icon and every Lemming explodes taking most of the scenery with them!

Lemmings 1 logo Amiga Format Gold

Psygnosis * £24.99 Mouse

Oh no! The lemmings are dropping into deadly danger! Only you can give the necessary instructions to save their little lives and guide them to safety of a cliff-free zone. Are you up to giving lemming aid?
Each level begins with a huge trap-door creaking open, then down tumble a herd of dungaree-clad, green-haired lemmings. Being folk of little brain, and left to their own devices the lemm's do what they do best: die! Why? Because those cruel people at Psygnosis have crammed each level with dangers that are absolutely guaranteed to kill the terminally stupid, i.e. lemmings.

Doing the do
The lemm's can only be saved if you take control By giving lemm's certain tasks to do it's, just about, feasible to shepherd the bumbling bunch to safety. A menu bar below the game's screen offers a number of icon options. Through it, any lemming can be changed from a standard 'runner' into a 'do'er',by selecting a task icon, then clicking on a specific individual. Lemm's can dig, build, bash, climb and tunnel. The can even use parasol parachutes when presented with the kind of cliff-drop that has made them famous.

The road to sanctuary, though, is never smooth; pot-holed by one simple fact: there are never enough of the right commands! On a level full of ravines it's a safe bet that there's one too few bridge-building commands to straddle the gap. So cunning plans are the order of the day to ensure enough - a percentage of lemmings must be saved on each level - lemm's reach safety.

Run away
In their way are chasms that must be spanned, hills that have to be tunnelled through and fatal falls that must be guarded by suicide-blockers. Once they are down they start running and will continue to charge in the same direction until they hit a solid object - either a wall or a blocker - or if they run out of floor. Once past such a peak, the little lemm's can only survive a short fall. If the distance is too great for them they sickeningly splat in a shower of lemming drops.

Embroiled in a frantic race against time, you have to juggle blockers, bashers and floaters as well as the main her. Taxing and tense it makes for incredible gaming. Succeed and your grin will shame a Cheshire cat, fail and you have to try again.
The frantic high-speed thinking is underpinned with the tension of timing. The best example of this is waiting for bridge-builders to span a gulf. Each command only lasts for ten small bricks, after these are laid the lemm' reverts back to normal and runs onwards. Fine if they've bridged the gap, fatal if they haven't. To stop such suicidal tendencies and lengthen the bridge, you have to wait until the tenth brick is laid. Then, as the lemm' turns and looks bemused, you have to slap another bridge-builder command on them.

Cliff hanger
Why, however, should anyone want to spend time and mental anguish saving the lemm's? The answer partially lies in their excellent animation. Although only a few pixels high, the little folk have real character. They hold their heads in despair if instructed to self destruct and tap their toes as they get bored of blocking.

The lack of one main protagonist and, instead, focusing upon a collective group who are controlled via icons, puts this firmly in the 'god game' genre. Most important, though, is the blending of this 'god game' approach into the obvious puzzle formula. The resultant mix transcends the normal limits of shapes, pipes and balls that have held back the likes of Klax and E-Motion. The lemmings supply the intrigue, while the puzzling levels gives the grey matter a hard time.

Lemmings is a hoot to play and quickly becomes a dangerous obsession. Four different styles are available plus a two-player mode. All call for a clear head and a cool hand if you are to finish a level and gain the next password. There are 160 levels, each of which has more than one solution.
You must decide the best way to solve a level, given the commands available, and any favoured personal approach. There, as the old saying goes, more than one way to explode a lemming.

We all go up together!

When you turn a lemming into a blocker they are doomed. Unlike other commands it cannot be countermanded. The only way to shift them is to ask them very politely to self-destruct. Then the poor doomed chap, looks about in amazement as a five-second timer counts off above their head. When the clock hits zero they hold their heads in despair, and then oblige by blowing themselves to bits. Rather usefully then also take out part of the landscape.

A much more spectacular option is Lemming Armageddon. Hitting the mushroom cloud twice sets off a mass destruction, and the lemm's on the level switch to self-destruct and explosions splatter the screen, effectively quitting the level so you can start.

Lemmings 1: Hitting the mushroom cloud sets off a mass lemm destruction
Menu masters - for the way lemm's live today!

On each puzzling level you will have a different number of 'icon' commands with which to guide the little people to safety. Just click on the icon you want to use next then click on the lemm' you want to command.

Lemmings 1: 'Climber' iconClimber - this can be used at any time and once a climber always a climber. Given this command a lemm' will scale any vertical surface like Spiderman - albeit a very small green-haired one.

Lemmings 1: 'Floater' iconFloater - normally great falls are fatal for lemm's, just like in real life. However, click this command on a lemm' at anytime and if they fall, they open a brolly and float gracefully to Earth.

Lemmings 1: 'Bomb' iconBomb - to remove a blocker or any lemm' who winds you up, click it on them. After a five-second count down they explode. Ha!

Lemmings 1: 'Block' iconBlocker - an essential but fatal command in the hectic world of Lemminging. The lemm' will stand where clicked, spread his arms and stop his fellows from running in that direction. The only way to remove a blocker is to use the 'bomb' function.

Lemmings 1: 'Builder' iconBuilder - these little guys will immediately start building a bridge that rises at an angle of 30 degrees from the floor. Each such command lasts for 10 bricks, after which the lemm' reverts to a normal 'runner'.

Lemmings 1: 'Basher' iconBasher - when a lemm' hits a solid object, at that precise instant, slap a basher command on them and they'll bash their way through it. That is unless it is made out of metal, when they get bruised claws, turn around and run off.

Lemmings 1: 'Digger' iconDigger - useful begger, Johnny digger! Click this one on a lemm' and they immediately start to tunnel straight down. Again if they run out of floor or hit metal they stop.

Lemmings 1: 'Miner' iconMiner - starts any lemm' digging diagonally down until they hit metal or run out of floor. Pick 'em when you can't go over, or round an object and have to go under.

Lemmings 1: 'Armageddon' iconArmageddon - Click twice on the mushroom cloud and this quits the level, killing all the lemm's in one huge communal explosion.

Lemmings 1 logo Amiga Joker Hit

Alle Welt wartet sehnsüchtig auf eine wirklich neu Spielidee, und wer hat sie? Psygnosis! Dabei hatten wir die Liverpooler Bit-Bastler beinahe schon abgeschrieben...

Das Konzept ist hier ebenso simpel wie fesselnd: Die herdenweise auftretenden Lemminge laufen munter drauflos und kümmern sich kein bißchen um die zahlreichen Gefahren der Bildschirmlandschaften (Schluchten, Hindernisse, etc.). Der Spieler soll nun in jedem Level einen bestimmten Prozentsatz der kleinen Wühler unversehrt zum Ausgang bringen. Dafür stehen ihm einige Spezial-Lemminge zur Verfügung: Da wären beispielsweise die Blocker, die man an gefährlichen Stellen postiert, damit die anderen Lemminge nicht weiterlaufen können. Braucht man einen solchen Blocker nicht mehr, wird er einfach in die Luft gesprengt - ganz schön gemein! Desweiteren gibt es Spezialisten zum Brückenbauen, andere buddeln Fluchttunnel, klettern Anhöhen hinauf oder springen mit dem Fallschirm ab.

Die Landschaft scrollt horizontal und ist einige Bildschirme breit, auf einer Art Radarschirm ist die Gegend in Umrissen zu erkennen. Die Grafik ist denn auch der einzige Schwachpunkt des Spiels: Zwar wurden die Viecher selbst recht putzig animiert, dafür sind die Landschaften eher trist. Gesteuert wird übrigens ausschließlich mit der Maus (zumindest bei der Vorabversion, die für unseren Test zur Verfügung stand). Alles in allem hat Lemmings in der Redaktion wahre Begeisterungsstürme entfacht - ein actiongeladenes Strategiespiel mit einer superoriginellen Idee, das jeden sofort in seinen Bahn zieht! (C. Borgmeier)

Lemmings 1 logo CU Superstar

Lemmings could be the first surprise smash of 1991. With the minimum of hype, Psygnosis have released this incredibly original but visually so-so product - and now it's on the tips of everyone's tongues.

CU Amiga coverdisk owners were the first to be treated to its simple aim - save a hundred or so green-haired lemmings from their urge to suicide. The lemmings are - to put none too fine a point on it - a bit thick. They follow each other off ledges, through fire and intro traps. Unsupervised lemmings will end up stone cold dead. This is where you come in, helping the lemmings in their hour of need by guiding them to safety.

Each level contains two set features: the trap door where the lemmings fall into the screen, and the exit, where they get out. Between them lie every sort of pitfall imaginable - decapitators, lasers, fire pits, water pools (lemmings can't swim) and long drops to name but a few.

What makes the game doubly hard is the lack of a turnaround option. A lemming will only backtrack if he hits a non harmful object. Most the time a blocker needs to be used to prevent lemmings from plopping off ledges or into traps. The problem with blockers is that they can only be moved by tunnelling underneath them, or blowing them up which is usually the only feasible option.

At first glance an average level looks pretty simple; it's not until the first few lemminsg drop onto the screen that the problems become apparent. Usually you're only given the types of lemmings necessary to complete a level, plus a few extra to play with. The fact that every level has a time limit doesn't help things. Even if you know how to complete a level it can still take several attempts before you complete it within the allotted time.

There are forty 2-player levels falling into three categories: race, which operates on the simple principle of 'first to get all lemmings past the post' wins; head-to-head, which is similar to the race, except there's more room to knobble another player, and there's the occasional co-operative level, where both players have to help each other. The game's remaining 120 stages(!) are split into three difficulty levels, which range from dead simple to extremely tough.

Although very small and sparsely detailed, the graphics work very well with the gameplay. The animation on the lemmings is excellent, combining humour with clarity. A variety of weird tunes play throughout the game, the most bizarre being a mixture of 'here comes the bride' and 'how much is that doggie in the window'.

Lemmings is the perfect family game. The difficulty levels mean that it's playable by all ages, and once you've grasped the gameplay you can play it straight away. The only problem I came across was trying to select a particular lemming in a crowd of around a hundred - but chaos is half the fun with Lemmings. A truly excellent game.

T H E   C H A R A C T E R S
A crack team of specialist lemmings are on hand to help. Icons representing each sort of lemming are set beneath the play area. Click on the type of your choice then on a lemming itself, and hey presto! A specialist. The first of these is the climber, which gives a lemming the ability to scale almost any object. Next is the floater, which equips a lemming with an umbrella that he can use to glide down to earth while his brothers go splat below him. Dyna-lemmings comes next. Click on this, select a lemming and a five second countdown appears over his head. When the timer runs down the lemmings gives you a despondent look, says "Oh No!", then donates, taking the surrounding scenery with him. There's a blocker lemming, used to hold up the advancing horde, but the most widely used lemming is the builder. He creates short bridges, spanning traps, holes and helping lemmings reach previously inaccessible heights. There are three types of digging lemmings: a horizontal tunneller, a miner who digs down at an angle, and the last one who digs vertically down. The final option is Armageddon, double click on this and every lemming is transformed into a time bomb.

Lemmings 1 logo Zero Hero

Psygnosis has always been dead keen to produce a game on the antics of small, stupid creatures. Unfortunately the title Duncan MacDonalds doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, so it opted for the slightly daft Lemmings...

You're a game designer sitting there with your feet up in front of the telly. And stone me if you can think of anything. Titles run through your mind. Back To The Drawing Board II? No, Mirrorsoft did that one... Um, how about Advanced Window Cleaner Simulation with strip poker sub-game? Nope. Oh dear. No more ideas.

Suddenly, the TV floats into focus. "Lemmings," pronounces David Attenborough, "are one of nature's anomalies. Behind those twinkling, intelligent eyes sits the mind of a Wolverhampton scaffolder. As cute as Betty Boo (Impossible. Macca.), as thick as Jeremy Beadle, they have the most exclusive suicide club on the face of this lovely earth of ours. A 2,000 drop over the sea? Fine, we'll pile over there! Fire-pit? No problem, fancied a bit of a fry up anyway..."

That's it! A game about lemmings! And no licensing costs either! * (Readers voice: Yes, yes, bloody funny, yes, what about the blimmin' game?)

Sorry, Lemmings is a 100 level save 'em up. Yep, your task is to guide a certain percentage of the lemmings (ideally all of them) safely from the entrance trapdoor or trapdoors they tumble out of, one by one, to the exit to the next level. This is by no means easy, for two reasons: a) lemmings, as Dave 'David' Attenborough has explained, attempt suicide at every step, and b) the game designers are a bunch of sadistic basts.

You control the activities of the mass by means of icons which affect the behaviour of individual lemmings. Click on the Hold icon and then on a lemming and it will stop dead, preventing the other from marching past and falling down a crevasse. Click on Build Bridge and the lemming will industriously pile up bricks diagonally until it runs out, at which point you either click on it again or it falls off the end. And so on.

Okay, so it's a cinch. Just wiggle the mouse about, clicking here and there, clearing a path and stopping the lems from pegging out. Hey presto, end of level! Not quite. There's a time limit and, what's more, you only have certain icons available to you in each level. For example, you may have three pillars between your lems and the exit; easy, sez you, dig through 'em horizontally! Except there's a figure '2' underneath the Dig Horizontally icon, meaning you can only use it twice. The third pillar you may have to climb or... well, you work it out, you're the one paying 25 quid.

Amiga review Dunc: This is seriously French** for the first give minutes. Little wibbly things about four pixels by six fall out of a trapdoor and wander about aimlessly while you work out what each icon does. By then your time's run out and most of the lemmings have fallen over the edge. But after five minutes you've got the hang of the icons, completed the first shandy level and you're completely hooked on the little nerds.

And that's the nub of it. Addictiveness. One-more-go-ness drips from Lemmings like whisky from a broken optic. Once you've started a level, it's almost impossible to 'let go' without completing it. The puzzle of how to get from trapdoor to exit varies in difficulty from level to level: most look deceptively simple. For example, you may think you've got a sure-fire solution by the third attempt, only to discover there's not enough time for the lemmings to escape. Or your method might have involved exploding a couple of lemmings along the way to clear the path. Everyone gets out in time, brilliant; except by killing a pair of extra lemmings, you haven't got the 94 percent escape rate required. There's a fair amount of mouse manoeuvring required as well, particularly when you're trying to keep a bridge-building lemming from tumbling off the end of his own edifice. You have been warned: it's a pain in the (totally hooked) behind.

The graphics are nifty, though hardly stunning by Psygnosis' standards. The lemmings are by necessity tiny, but even so, they're well 'animated' (the diggers in particular) with wild, funky dredds flowing in the wind. The overall impression of chaos is probably more or less what the game designers intended anyway, but there can be a problem when too many lemmings get stuffed into a small area. You have no idea which way the lemming you fortuitously click on is walking, so the best laid plans can be cocked up by sheer bad luck. But I suppose that's not really a criticism, I'm just a whingeing git.

Lemmings deserves a ZERO Hero for originality alone; but besides that, five minutes and it's got you by the shot and curly addictiveness organs. Either that or you'll go "what's the point?", in which case get back to Beadle's About immediately. This is way above your head. Stop

Lemmings is a bit of a Beast II (i.e. blimmin' hard). Frequently, you realise that you've made a fundamental mistake in a level and that you might as well give up. In which case click on the Nuke 'Em icon. All the lemmings on screen begin the self-destruct count-down and boom! They've all gone to meet the Great irradiated Mummy Lemming in Heaven.
Lemmings can also be played in a manic two player mode. Each player has 40 lemmings and there are two exits. To win, you have to get at least 40 out; and you can 'kidnap' your opponent's lemmings by sending them out of your own exit.
Lemmings 1: Handdrawn 'Decrease flow' icon DECREASE FLOW:
Slows the rate at which the lemmings drop through the trapdoor.
Lemmings 1: Handdrawn 'Increase flow' icon INCREASE FLOW:
Speeds their entry from the trapdoor(s) into the playing area.
Lemmings 1: Handdrawn 'Climb' icon CLIMB:
Click on a lem and it'll climb everything it comes across.
Lemmings 1: Handdrawn 'Parachute' icon PARACHUTE:
Usually lemmings die if they tumble too far. This icon saves a single lemming's exceptionally daft hide.
Lemmings 1: Handdrawn 'Explode' icon EXPLODE:
Lemmings, it would appear, have highly volatile personalities. In order to clear the way, it's sometimes necessary to blow them up. Click on a lemming and a countdown figure appears above its head. At five, the blast (rather reminiscent of Defender) destroys both the lemming and its immediately surroundings, which can come in handy. Avoid blowing up your own bridges though...
Lemmings 1: Handdrawn 'Block' icon BLOCK:
Causes a lemming to stand still and halt the inexorable flow. Watch it though: other lemmings that hit it will turn around and go the other way, so take care not to steer them from the frying pan into the fire.
Lemmings 1: Handdrawn 'Build bridge' icon BUILD BRIDGE:
The lemming selected begins to construct a bridge, ten bricks per click. Long bridges require good click timing otherwise the daft creature falls off its own structure.
Lemmings 1: Handdrawn 'Dig horizontally' icon DIG HORIZONTALLY:
Click on a lemming as it walks into an object and it will begin to dig horizontally in the direction of travel.
Lemmings 1: Handdrawn 'Paws' icon PAWS:
Freezes action (and the clock) and leads to the firing of several Psygnosis employees for such a crap joke. (Roger Dean thought of it actually).
Lemmings 1: Handdrawn 'Dig diagonally' icon DIG DIAGONALLY:
As above but diagonally down.
Lemmings 1: Handdrawn 'Nuke 'em' icon NUKE 'EM:
Quite. The ultimate admission of shandymanhood.
Lemmings 1: Handdrawn 'Dig vertically' icon DIG VERTICALLY:
Straight down. Watch out for the bottom of the screen: what goes down ain't gonna come up. (Unless mixed with a vegetable biryani.)
Lemmings 1: Screenshot Overview map
Shows you whole level in miniature.

Lemmings 1 logo Zzap! Sizzler

Psygnosis, Amiga £24.95

Lemmings are those notorious vole-like rodents whose holiday planning leaves so much to be desired, cheerily toppling over the edge of cliffs on their lunatic migratory jaunts. It's not as if they're suicidal, they're just too dopey to notice imminent death staring them in the face. Now you've been given control of a whole bunch of lemmings, dozens and dozens of the little blighters desperate to get away from it all. Fortunately you have been given god-like powers to smarten some of them up...

In each of the 140 screens there's a start point where the dumb but cute critters are dropped, and an exit. The aim of the game is to guide the lemmings from one to the other without them being burnt up, drowned, crushed, splattered, hung or simply lost in the wilderness when time runs out. This is no easy task as your basic lemming will continue walking straight on until some hazard extinguishes his little life. To stop this you need your smart lemmings.

To smarten a lemming up you simply click on the skill you want, then move the cursor over to the right lemming and press fire. You've now got a smart lemming, well sort of. The most basic kind of lemming is a Blocker which stands with its arms outstretched stopping anyone getting past. Obviously by using two you can contain the dumb lemmings indefinitely. Normally you'll do this after letting a few lemmings go ahead to start preparing a safe route. These trailblazers can be turned into Climbers which can clamber up vertical surfaces, and Floaters which survive big drops by using parachutes. There are also Builders which construct bridges, but they only work for a set period before stopping and bravely marching onwards (even if it's into a bottomless abyss). Fortunately, you can keep them working if you click on them as soon as they hold up their hands. If you can't go over an obstacle you might want to cut through it: there are three different types of Diggers - ones that go straight down, straight across and diagonally down. All the skills are limited though, so be careful to use them wisely.

Once you have a pathway cleared you can get rid of those Blockers. Sadly these 'brainy' lemmings aren't smart enough to be re-educated so you have to blow them up! Click on them, or any other lemming which has irritated you, and a five-second countdown appears over their head. At zero they shake their heads before exploding, blowing away quite a bit of the scenery too. Occasionally exploding a lemming is vital for clearing away a small obstacle - you have to be cruel to be kind in this game!

On each level there's a time limit and a percentage target - fail to rescue the required number of lemmings and it's end game time. You can also quit a level by clicking on apocalypse, which explodes all the lemmings - useful if everyone's got helplessly trapped. When you do die you're given the option of continuing - a password system ensures you never have to play a completed level again.

There are four skill levels to the game (Fun, Tricky, Taxing and Mayhem), each with thirty levels - you can choose to play any at the start. There's also a two-player mode with twenty screens: each player has his own exit but the lemmings are so dumb they'll walk through any exit. At the end of the level the player with the most lemmings wins, and saved lemmings are added to the number released on the next level. The two-player mode has a split-screen and the potential for mixing your lemmings in with your opponent's gives plenty of opportunity for sabotage!

Robin Hogg Playing against an experienced Lemmings user in two-player mode can get very frustrating for a complete novice. Just trying to keep all those nicely animated pixel-high grandchildren of the Little Computer People from wandering around is a nightmare task in itself. Especially when the slightest thing kills the little beggars - that lynch machine is evil! And this is without some swine of another player named Phil blowing holes in the floor and putting my Lemmings through sheer hell! Despite a small grievance over the lack of background graphics I was really hooked. The open-ended nature of tackling each puzzle with the limitless possibilities of using skills and the originality of it all makes Lemmings a remarkably addictive puzzle game. With this one you quickly know who you friends are (and enemies when it comes to going up against the Ed).
Phil King This has to be one of the best original game ideas in a very long time. But it's really two games in one, the one- and two- player games are so different. Playing solo involves much hazard thinking to work out a safe route, with each screen a massive puzzle in its own right. Later levels are made even trickier with tighter time limits, higher rescue quotas, and the absence of blockers and other useful abilities. The difficulty of the task is lightened by the sheer hilarity of the action with the brilliantly animated lemmings dying in umpteen humorous ways, while the infinite continue-plays and password system mean you can never get too frustrated. The two-player game plays totally differently, requiring lightning-fast reactions and devious tactics to sabotage your opponent's efforts - it's often a miracle any lemmings survive at all! As long as you don't feel too sentimental about fluffy animals, Lemmings should have you in stitches.
Stuart Wynne Lemmings is the epitome of the thoughtful, imaginative programs that people so often claim 'aren't made anymore'. Surprisingly enough Psygnosis, the masters of graphical glitz, have proven the falseness of that argument by resisting the temptation to slip in even a single layer of parallax scroll, instead focusing on the brilliantly original gameplay. As with Loderunner and Boulderdash it's different enough to keep you hooked for ages, yet also instantly and compulsively playable. The tiny lemming sprites have bags of character, with some superb animation, and it's great fun trying to save them - or simply leading them into dramatic catastrophe! The explosive 'apocalypse' option is always worth watching. This violent element, combined with the lemming's irresistible cuteness, should ensure the thoughtful and varied action achieves the commercial success it richly deserves.

Lemmings 1 CDTV logo CDTV


We won't even bother describing this game to you, because if you don't know what it's about by now you must have been spending the last year dead for tax reasons. Suffice to say it's a straight port of the Amiga version, which causes one small problem: control.

Getting the pointer swiftly across the screen to reach the 'Floater'icon before that lemming takes a leap into space, or positioning it accurately enough to start building a bridge just on the lip of the chasm, is made more difficult than it needs to be by the remote control's lack of responsiveness. That aside, this is still a marvellous game on any format and is good enough to live in anyone's living room.

Lemmings 1 CDTV logo CDTV

PSYGNOSIS * £34.99

Lemmings, two years on, undoubtedly still deserves to be called the classic Amiga game - if you don't already have a copy, you should definitely get it. The only problem is that it's no use playing it with a CDTV remote control: the notchy, slow motion of the pointer makes levels that require fast action as well as brainpower almost undoable.

It's also a shame that it has had no enhancement: the original Amiga tunes, while irritatingly catchy, do sound a bit out of place and the wasted strips of screen make it seem less than the polished and league-leading game it should be.

Lemmings 1 CDTV logo CDTV

Auch hier ein Unterschied zur Normal-Version: Es fehlt der tolle Zwei-Spieler-Modus! Von dieser Gemeinheit abgesehen bleibt alles beim alten - Grafik, Musik, Anzahl der Level, einfach alles. Offensichtlich wußte man auch bei Psygnosis, daß die Fans der selbstmörderischen Wühler besseres verdient hätten, also ist noch ein Demo des kommenden Flugsimulators "Planetside" mit auf der CD. Gütiger Gott, das Teil sieht phantastisch aus! Bleibt zu hoffen, daß die gigastarken Animationen in der Endversion zum Spiel und nicht zum Intro gehören...

Lemmings 1 CD32 logo CD32 Amiga Format Gold

Lemmings (Psygnosis 051-709 5755, £25.99) on the CD32? There isn't much to say about this other than it is one of the classic games of all time, and is as playable as ever. Mouse is generally deemed to be the 'correct' control method, but the joypad works fine and the game still retains that old magic.

Briefly; a band of mindless little creatures drop out of the sky, and you must guide them by divine intervention to a gate somewhere on the level. Your meddling takes the form of setting individual lemmings to digging, climbing, building and other useful tasks. Thus, you contruct a way of getting your tribe of cutesy characters to the exit safely.

Lemmings is an absorbing, taxing, frustrating and marvellously addictive game. Get the disc and see what all the fuss is about. You won't regret it.

Lemmings 1 CD32 logo CD32 Amiga Joker Hit

Daß neue Eigenentwicklungen für den Neuzugang in der Amigafamilie einen eigenen Test bekommen, ist Ehrensache - daß wir hier kurz und bündig CD-Umsetzungen älterer Progis (Alfred Chicken, Lemmings 1 & Sim City) vorstellen, ist Tradition!

Auch die kleinen Selbstmörder von Psygnosis trieben sich bereits anno CDTV auf CD herum, auch sie markieren einen Meilenstein der Softwaregeschichte. Bei der genialen Actiontüftelei muß der Spieler bekanntlich einer pro Level variierenden Anzahl von Lemmingen (das sind ebenso winzige wie witzige Viecher!) den Heimweg trotz aller Blockaden und Gefahren wie Berge, Todesfallen und Säureseen ebnen.

Die Biester tapsen dabei stets stur geradeaus, oft genug direkt in ihr Verderben. UM sie umzuleiten, muß man einzelnen Exemplaren über Icons spezielle Fähigkeiten verpassen, so daß sie klettern, graben, Treppen bauen und noch einiges mehr können.

Auch wenn der in der Diskversion noch vorhandene Zwei-Spieler-Modus am Splitscreen fehlt und es längst diverse Nachfolgegames gibt - 88 Prozent verdienen die Lemmings noch locker! (rl)

Lemmings 1 CD32 logo CD32

Psygnosis, £26
Amiga Version: 81% AP21

We've a sneaky feeling that Psygnosis think we've been having a go at them recently, but when they come up with garbage such as Last Action Hero (AP38, 3%) then there's little else we can do. And now there's this, the super and thoroughly playable Lemmings on the CD32.

Like the floppy version it suffers from too many easy levels at the beginning, but there are quadrillions of the things, annoyingly catchy tunes and, of course, the option of alternately saving and slaughtering rodents in the original save-'em-up.

Tim N and ("No one else" - Uncle Joe Stalin) may have reviled the game for its repetitiveness and the way that once you've worked out a screen you still have to get the lemmings to follow your plan with absolutely pin-point accuracy, but I like it.

So what's the problem then? Well, although you do get a rather neat demo of some forthcoming releases (A vital part of any game, quite naturally. - Ed.), there is no two-player option. Now, offing your opponent's lemmings is the best part of the game, so Psygnosis have lost lots of points there.

And then there's the price. £26? What the hell are they playing at? We're talking about a game that came out in 1991, and they're charging full whack of it; a software crime of the highest order. While the likes of Core and Team 17 are supporting the CD32 with loads of cheap and cheerful re-releases, cynical cash-ins like this aren't doing the machine any favours at all. They could at least have included Oh No! More Lemmings to give you 200 odd levels, but they didn't. Oh No! More Cash For Psygnosis more like. It's just not good enough.

Lemmings 1 CD32 logo CD32 CU Amiga Screenstar


What computer format could ever hope to be complete without a version of Lemmings. The idea behind the game is so simple that it's surprising that no-one beat Psygnosis to it. You need to guide your little green-haired Lemmings through a series of 100 caverns strewn with dangers and obstacles. Each of your Lemmings can be made to perform simple tasks, such as digging or climbing, and it's by manipulating these talents that you get your little buddies through the level.

It's addictive. It's frustrating in places, maddening in others but always fun. As playable as any other version, bar the fact that the joypad could never be as responsive as the original mouse-control, Lemmings is a must buy. However, don't rush out looking for the CD32 version of Lemmings - it doesn't exist. This is the CDTV version which runs perfectly on the CD32. Worth getting your mitts on.