We've got a bit of a problem with this one. We've been sent the game, but without any instructions or packaging or anything. So we don't really know what's going on.
For instance, we don't know why you must control Harvey through 111 levels of mazes collecting little round ring-
Or maybe he's a really clever thief who's decided to steal loads of little round ring-
What we do know, being the highly evolved games reviewer sorts that we are, is that Supaplex is a puzzler sorts that we are, is that Supaplex is a puzzler firmly in the mould of that crusty fave, Boulderdash. This involves manoeuvring "Harvey"around each level chomping through the ground to reach the little round ring type things.
To make life more difficult, each level is littered with metal balls which will fall if the ground beneath them is eaten away. This can be to your advantage, if you want to clear a path, but more often than not they'll drop right on your head and squash you.
Also there to liven things up are such wondrous items as gateways to other sections of the level, disks which explode taking out bothersome walls and gravity which stops you moving around the level at will, forcing you to build steps. Very clever.
It's a pretty ancient game style, but the Dream Factory have tried to inject some new life into it with some nifty features. You no longer have a limited number of lives. Now you can have as many goes at as many of the levels as you want, with the emphasis on finishing all 111 levels in record time, rather than just trying to struggle on to the next level.
You can also have several players playing after each other so you can battle against your chums and chumettes to get the fastest times.
Hmm. Well, despite not knowing anything about the plot I managed to do pretty well. Partly because of the handy tutorial at the start which tells you what to do and what not to do, and secondly because of the "skip level" feature which allows you to jump over troublesome levels to the one after.
What do you mean, cheat? You can't just jump to level 111 you know, 'cos you can only skip a level if the one before it is completed.
It's a fairly good fun game to play, although that much is pretty obvious to those who've played the original "Boulderdash", but I can't help but wonder how well a game like this stands up in today's market. The presentation is a little rough around the edges, as are the graphics, with only the sound saving it from total "eightbititis"
All things considered, Supaplex is a fairly average game. The new additions go some way to give it some welly, but its dated gameplay ultimately leaves you thinking that it might be better as a budget game.