Stand by all you would be Captain Kirks, there's Klingons, on the starboard bow. Do not fret, it isn't another Star Trek game - which is good because 'I dunna think I could take any more captain'.
No. This is Star Control - the continuing struggle against good and evil in a futuristic battle where all is at stake and only you with your armoy of various space vehicles can save the known universe from a cruel, evil empire. Wait a minute... haven't I heard that story somewhere before?
Never mind. Strap your plasma bolt shooter to your waist, put your genuine imitation leather hover boots on and tilt your space helmets 'cos this is gonna be one helluva duel.
Star Control is the latest offering from those old reliable Accolade boys and it's good... very good. It's also big so it's for one meg Amigas only I'm afraid.
It's set in the distant future with two legions of seven space ships locked in deadly combat. The Alliance - fighters for truth, justice and liberty for all - and the evil Hierarchy, the scourge of the universe. Boo... Hiss...
The game offers a few different scenarios just to stop it getting boring. For starters, you can practice at a one-
Once you think that you'll be more than just laser fodder for some slime dribbling alien, then it;s time to move on to Meele. This option cuts out all that technical strategy stuff (that comes later) and puts you head to head with your opposing fleet as you fight to the death across a space field.
Oh, and be careful not to crash into planets which have a gravitational pull - this could leave you a sitting duck.
If the tactical side of your nature is lusting for more, you can move on to the full game options. There are nine different scenarios in all, and even an option to create your own, but they all work around the same principle.
A moving star map with you at the bottom and your opponent at the top is laid out and each of the armies' ships move from planet to planet, colonising and fortifying them as they go. Movement is limited to the planets immediately surrounding the one you are on and not all planets lead where you think. It's a bit like trying to read a British Rail timetable at first, but you'll soon get the hang of it!
Once you've sussed out all the different options, you'll find a Star Control to be a source of many hours of computer entertainment. It's obvious that a lot of thought has gone into Star Control, making this a game worth checking out.