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Distributor: Titus Price: £25.99

Do you ever dream living like our Stone Age ancestors did, free from the hassles of modern life - no Darling Buds of May, and even better, no Neighbours? Well, now you can trade the hassle of the motorway for the menace of prehistoric jungle in Titus' latest creation.

You play the caveman Prehistorik and your main object is to gather enough food to take you to the next level in this horizontally scrolling platform game. Armed with the lethal combination of a club and a bit of intelligence, the idea is to whack animals on the head, walk on them and then add them to your larder.

This quest for food takes you through the caverns of an unknown continent, Antartica, and a tropical rainforest. As usual, at the end of each level there is a guardian to be removed.

However, of course it's not as simple as this. Touching the animals means the loss of precious energy and the more lethal of them can throw things at you or even breathe fireballs.

Another way that energy is lost is by walking into obstacles, and lives are lost by falling into holes or water. If the level is not completed in time, then you lose a life.

The other place to get food is in the caves or under ponds. Here the food is well defended but help is at hand because the caves contain things that are useful to you. There are clocks that add to your time, shields, axes to knock out the baddies quickly, bombs, crosses that add an extra life, and a spring to make you jump higher.

These little devices can be picked up by cracking your medidating guru friend on the head and taking what's left behind. He comes and goes at will so catch him if you can.

Unusual touches are the trampolines that help you to jump higher, and best of all, the balloons which let you control the main character as he floats through the air.

This is one of the best games produced by Titus. It has simple, non nonsense gameplay and brilliant, melt-your-heart graphics. Even the baddies look cute - occasionally, you might find yourself sympathising with them when they "buy it"!

Some Stone Age Villains
Gubba-Glub: Indescribably stupid and begs to be hit, but he could ambush you by surprise. Two knocks are needed to put him out of action.
Balor and Bobor: Not as friendly as they sound - they're man-eating bears. Two strikes and they're bear steak.
Pyro-Tax: An ancestor of one of the Pacman villains, this mean mother can spit fire from that gob of his, so avoid him if you can. If you can't, then one hit on the head should see him out of it.
Piranie: One of the invincibles. Her teeth are sharp enough to bite through steel, so be on your guard.
Turtosaurus: The giant green turtle and what's more she's lost her home and is hungry, so either keep away or whack her five times if you want turtle soup for dinner.
Arakana: The defender of the caves. Any touch is fatal. Don't get trapped in her web.
Bad Bat: The other cave-dweller in the game. One crack with the club is all that's needed.
Chimp-agogo: This cheeky monkey lives in the trees where he lobs coconuts at you - but you can teach him a lesson with the club.

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TITUS * £25.99 Joystick or Keyboard

Since the dawn of time man has faced a continuous struggle to survive. The most important requirements for a healthy and happy life being warmth and food. The former was solved with the advent of the loin-cloth, but getting enough grub is a never-ending problem.

Prehistorik is a caveman and he is constantly on the look out for food to appease his huge appetite. He's always hungry, and besides he must consume a certain amount of food to make it off the end of the level.

Dead meat
There's plenty of nosh lying around for the taking, usually scattered around I caves. Other edibles are on legs, though, and they need to be killed before they can be killed before they can be eaten.

You're armed with a club with which to bash this fast food on the head with. The number of hits required to render the walking lunch unconscious depends on the monster, but once he's dazed you can tuck in.
Naturally, these dinosaurs don't take too kindly to being eaten every five minutes, and should you get to your bloke without being biffed, they will expend your energy by a unit. Should it reach zero then yer dead.

There are other life-threatening hazards. Small fires and spikes need to be carefully jumped over. Some creatures spit fire or throw things at you. Life just wasn't safe one million years ago.

Pretty ancient
The graphics in Prehistorik are brilliant! The monsters are mega-cute and the animation comical. When fire is pressed the character goes into a clubbing frenzy, leaping up and down on the spot like a thing possessed. The sound too is good, the intro tune being a sort of Stone Age house-music track.

The only thing that lets the game visually is the scrolling - or lack of it. For this sort of game, though, scrolling is a must - however, the action is broken up by the crude push-scrolling that occurs when the edge of the screen is met.

Nothing to it
Actually, the gameplay itself is pretty dull. There's very little to it - just wander along, bop the beasties, and wander along some more. There are no real puzzles to speak of, except for timing perhaps, and even those aren't particularly taxing. The monsters are easy to beat - just keep fire pressed when they're in range and you can't miss them. Even the end-of-level guardians are a cinch.

Despite being a good looker, there isn't really an awful lot to Prehistorik. After the first few experimental steps, the game is really easy, and worse than that, it's boring too.

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Was unterscheidet den steinzeitlichen Helden dieses neuen Plattformspielchens vom vernunftbegabten Wesen modernen Bauart? Wenig, denn heute wie damals beherrscht eigentlich nur eine Frage des Menschen Streben: Was gibt's zu essen?

Obwohl: Das was ist hier mehr oder weniger egal, unser putziges Steinzeit-männchen interessiert sich vielmehr dafür, wieviel es zu futtern gibt - sein Hunger ist schier unersättlich! Fein, daß es in der Nachbarschaft von Sauriern, Bären und Affen nur so wimmelt und sich (fast) der gesamte Urzeit-Zoo mit ein paar gut gezielten Keulenhieben zu leckern Magenfüllern verarbeiten läßt. Weniger fein, daß sich die Mahlzeiten wacker ihrer Haut erwehren!

Und wenn unser hungriger Urahn nicht allzeit auf der Hut is, schmilzt der Energiebalken rapide, die unerbittlich ablaufende Zeit wird zum Handicap, und ruckzuck ist eines der anfänglich drei Leben ausgehaucht...

Die Aufgabe ist also klar wie Sauerier-süppchen: Eisfelder, tropische Dschungellandschaften und finstere Höhlen müssen auf der Suche nach Eßbarem durchlaufen bzw. -sprungen werden, wobei pro Leben und Level nur limitiert Zeit zur Verfügung steht.

Als hilfreich erweisen sich die vielen Extras, die man unterwegs aufsammelt (Extrazeit, Smartbombs, Beile, Unverwundbarkeit, Supersprünge und Zusatzleben), in Höhlen und versteckten Bonusräumen sind zudem Köstlichkeiten wie Früchte oder Schinken zu entdecken. Und Mampfen ist hier nunmal oberstes Gebot - nur wer mit vollem Bacuh (= Futter-Anzeige) am Ende eines Levels ankommt, hat sich für den nächsten qualifiziert! Sofern man zuvor noch den Boxkampf mit einem der unglaublich groß Schlußmonster siegreich übersteht...

Keine Frage, das Spieldesign ist geglückt: Allerorten trifft man auf hübsch gezeichnete und entzückend animierte Gegner, muß vertrackte Hindernisse überwinden (ein See kann z.B. nur per Luftballon-Express überquert werden!) und das Spielersprite gehorcht jedem Joystickkommando ohne Zögern und Zaudern.

Auch die Landschaften sind phantasievoll gestaltet, nur daß anstatt von Scrolling bildweise umgeschaltet wird, trübt das schöne Bild ein wenig. OK, ein paar verschiedene Schlagvarianten hätten dem Höhlenmenschen sicher auch nicht geschadet, außerdem sollte sich Titus nach einem euen Sound-Guru umsehen: Musik und Effekte während des Spiels sind zwar immerhin solider Durchschnitt, aber die Titelmelodie verdient es kaum, als solche bezeichnet zu werden.

Trotz der kleinen Unzulänglichkeiten schneidet das Game in der Endabrechnung nicht schlecht ab, schließlich macht es Spaß und ist hübsch anzusehen. An die Qualität des unmittelbaren Konkurrenten Chuck Rock langt Prehistorik somit zwar nicht ganz heran, aber wer Appetit auf eine einfallsreiche Plattform-Hatz verspürt, darf sich dem ausgehungerten Neandertaler getrost bei der Nahrungssuche anschließen! (ml)

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You've played the demo on our cover disk, now read the review...

It's a bit odd to find myself reviewing this just now, because there's a demo on this month's cover mounted disk allowing you to see it and decide just how good it is (or isn't) on your own. Still, it's my opinion you want here so it's my opinion you shall have, and actually, I think it's rather good. Not as good as the excellent (and similarly themed Toki or Chuck Rock admittedly, but a fun and likeable platform romp nonetheless.

So what's it all about? Well, you play Prehistorik, a very hungry caveman. This isn't any sort of elaborate rescue mission on your on, as it is in the games just mentioned, but simply a quest for food - if you've ever wondered how the dinosaurs died out, it's not because of the ice age or a meteorite fall or anything fancy like that, but simply because Prehistorik ate them all!

You see, he's only allowed off a level if he manages to club unconscious and then walk over (and so nosh) 99.9 per cent of all dinos/grizzly bears/unnameable prehistoric thingies he comes across. I think the game's a bit too strict with this - it would be better if you were allowed to ignore more of the creatures if you wanted, and still get off the level - but it's not too big a fault.

As it stands though, it can get annoying (and repetitive), especially when you find you've got to trek all the way back to somewhere near the start of the level (if the landscape lets you that is) to trough a few last monsters to fill you up.

Levels are your standard platform and ladders sort of thing - in fact, the whole thing has something of the feel of a Super Mario game, though without the depth of finely tuned gameplay. The creatures are undeniably cute (the little bears still wag their tails when unconscious, for instance) and the standard world designs (an ice world with penguins, and so on, a jungle one with monkeys and the like) are well done.

Unusually, between the proper levels comes a sort of boxing match affair (quite what the explanation for this is, I don't know) where Prehistorik has to take on some giant dino, caveman or whatever while battling a never-ending procession of smaller versions off the screen. Reasonably cute and fun, but slight and likely to become a bit of a pain after a while, you could say.

Other faults? Well, the game only scrolls on a screen when you get right to the edge of it, which seems unnecessary (apparently a hang-over of the original version being done in ST STOS) and the wait while it reloads the levels and so on can be a bit of a pain.

You could also argue that the whole thing gets a bit samey after a while too - more hectic platform-leaping action and less of this rather repetitive bonking-dinosaurs-on-the-head-and-then-tucking-in-stuff would have been nice - but basically it's a pretty, appealing and actually rather lovable little romp which only suffers a bit because its two most obvious rivals are so good, not because of any real faults in the game itself.

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Casting a covetous eye at the worldwide success of Nintendo's Mario series of games, Gallic softcos, Titus, have invented their own cartoon character to star in a platform-packed romp.

For their inspiration, Titus have travelled back to the Dinosaur Age. Prehistorik is both the name of this flick-screen platform extravaganza and that of the game's star, a sort of Primordial Danny De Vito if you like!

The game begins with the Prehistorik asleep in his tree-top hideout, dreaming of a huge plateful of Bronto-burgers and chips. Awoken by his grumbling tum, the titular tribesman decides to head off into the Prehistoric jungle for a bite to eat.

Wearing a yellow-and-black polkadot lioncloth, our carnivorous caveman has to travel through four platform-packed levels in his search for a meaty meal.

Prehistorik has to bash his way past an army of dinosaurs, grizzly bears, sickeningly-cute penguins, flying bats and Pterodactyls (which look more like parrots, to be honest). Each opponent is taken out by clubbing them their bonces to help till your tum with grub.

Prehistorik's journey takes him through a rain forest, the icy waters and slippery mountain slopes of an arctic waste and an underground complex of lava pools and volcanic eruptions. Coincedently, each of thes scenarios also make an appearance in Core's recent Prehistoric bashabout, Chuck Rock.

There's even a certain amount of graphic similarity between the two ranging from the cute 'n' cuddly dinosaurs and coconut throwing monkeys through to the use of bold primary colours.

Where Prehistorik scores over its rival is the many bonus caves scattered throughout each level where hordes of extra food, extra lives and various helpful loot can be plundered.

There are also three extra levels which involve a knockabout with a charging rhino, a big mama of a dino and her army of young siblings, and a gigiantic caveman. Set in a hige boxing ring, Prehistorik has to repeatedly club his opponents until they submit.

Unfortunately, the difficulty level has been set way too high making them almost impossible to complete.

Although each stage has a number of new creatures to thump, many reappear from previous levels which smacks of creative redundancy.

The gameplay is thus somewhat repetitive, with no real challenges or puzzles to solve, and it's also incredibly slow. This can be frustrating, and lacks the on-screen action that graced Chuck Rock. Despite picking up a clutch of awards on the Continent, it fails to impress.

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Mention the word 'disco' and Amaya Lopez goes into a gyrating frenzy. We only mentioned the word 'clubbing' and she was off to find the venue. She ended up in the games room with Prehistorik, Titus' new caveman romp - and not a strobe of light in sight.

Once upon a time, in those golden days of brontosauri, tyrannosaurus rex and muscley men in loin cloths (ahem), there lived on particularly strong and hirsute member of our species. So bearded was he, that it's highly likely he was a distant ancestor of our own Mike Gerrard. He was Prehistorik by name and prehistoric by nature - he could wield a meaner club than any baby seal culler.

Then one day he went on a journey. It wasn't a journey to free a kidnapped beauty or to exert his sexual prowess, but a journey for survival - a quest for food (and oodles of it at that). SO much food, in fact, that our hero became gluttonous and over-indulgent (and put on 35 stone).

This is where Titus came in. IT decided to capture Prehistorik and place him in a computer game, with more nasties than he'd ever seen on his VCR. This made it difficult for him to find food and, thankfully, curbed his desire to join weight watchers. Of course he still had his faithful club to combat the dinosaurs, bears, chimps, penguins, fish and giant end of level beasties. Showing no mercy, Titus added an unsavoury cousin to Prehistorik's list of enemies. So was he now destined to stroll down Anorexia Lane? Read on...

Amiga reviewAmaya: I have often bemoaned the extinction of the dinosaur: those huge, lumbering beasts would make far more exciting pets than any damn Pit Bull or Rotty. So naturally I jumped at the chance to review Prehistorik. Sadly, I was to be disappointed.

The fact that Core Design recently released a corking caveman romp in the form of Chuck Rock hasn't really helped Titus.

So let's not mince words: Prehistorik looks similar but frankly isn't half as good. The graphics are rather nice, with cuddly dinosaurs, coconut-throwing monkeys, giant storks and cute bears. Your caveman is neatly animated and he's a mean bottom-wiggler, particularly when he has to climb a ladder or a vine.

And let's not forget the food - it looks almost good enough to eat: appetising joints, bananas, ice creams and radishes. (Did I just say radishes? I hate radishes). The backdrops are pretty and colourful, ranging from seascapes to woodland and glacial terrain, btu what it boils down to is this: good looking game, shame about the gameplay.

Prehistorik himself is unfortunately rather limited in his movements. Yes, he can use his club to thwack every enemy in sight, but when he's in a bit of a jam there's nothing vaguely innovative like a belly butt to protect him. It frankly gets rather tedious beating a bear or dino repeatedly about the head until he turns into a bone of varying food strength. You don't even need to do anything particular with the bones, just collect them to make sure you don't die.

As for the sound, that was also fairly run of the mill stuff too. Perhaps the most original element is a character called Guru Meditation. When he appears you need to... wait for it... hit him over the head with your club to wake him up, so that he leaves you a bonus.

Another negative aspect is the difficulty level. Three lives is not over-generous when there are nasties and moving terrain around every corner. The end of level monsters in particular are virtually impossible to destroy. You'd think this factor would make Prehistorik more challenging, but the plot is so uninspiring that frankly I didn't really care. I mean, food's all very nice and all that, but surely there's more to life? So, on the 'just one more go' front, it was a case of 'just go'. Sorry. Stop

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Tennis macht hungrig, begeben wir uns daher mit dem kleinen Hohlenmenschen Prehistorik auf Futtersuche.

Am Amiga hüpft der Kerl bereits seit über einem Jahr uber die Platformen, um a la Brork (also mit der Keule in der Hand) Bronto-Burger oder Turtle- Mc-Nuggets zu jagen.

Das tut er nun auch am CDTV in gewöhnt witziger und charmanter Weise, handelt es sich im grossen und ganzen doch um eine 1:1- Umsetzung.

Leider ist die gerade für ein Jump & Run so wichtige Steuerung nicht immer ganz genial gerate, weshalb CDler mit Trackball hier eindeutig im Vorteil sind - via Tracki lasst sich ja bekanntlich ein stinknormaler Stick anschliessen!

Zwar kann man nix absaven, aber das war schliesslich beim Original nicht anders, deshalb heimst der flotte Neandertaler ein ebenso flottes in Ordnung ein.
(Titus, ca 119,- DM)