No Greater Glory logo

SSI * £34.99

Here is an attempt, in the classic Strategic Simulations Inc tradition, to relive the most tedious and retentive elements of the American Civil War. I sat back and read through the copy of The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane that accompanied the game, while I ploughed through the disk laoding. Before I had a chance to get to chapter three, the screen was ready to play. Yes, time for the grindingly dour turn-based gameplay and colourful(ly static) graphics that we have come to love from SSI.

These games are a number crunching exercise. Moving troops means clicking through at least three dialogue boxes - you cannot simply click on one town on a map, click on another town and click on the number of troops and watch as the Amiga animates a graphically impressive long march. No, you have to close your eyes and pretend you have dice in your hand and that your Amiga is a table. If you think that wood warping is fun, you might like this.

Nord vs. Süd

No Greater Glory logo

Ein SSI-Strategical über den Amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg ist gewiß nicht ungewöhnlich - aber eins, das spielbar ist und Spaß macht? Jau, das fanden im Frühjahr bereits die PC-Generale überraschend...

Die gleiche Überraschung steht nun auch den Amigianern bevor, jedenfalls, soweit sie über eine Harddisk oder viel Memory verfügen. Wer all das nicht besitzt, sollte wenigstens einen reißfesten Geduldsfaden sein eigen nennen, denn dann wird nachgeladen, bis das Laufwerk kracht.

Nun aber ins Sacher, äh zur Sache: Ganz nach Wunsch darf man anno 1861 die Rolle von Präsident Lincoln oder die des Konföderierten-Chefs Davis übernehmen (stets mit dem Rechner als Gegenspieler), wobei grundsätzlich der militärische Sieg anzustreben ist. Andere Bereiche der Staatsführung wie Personal- und Steuerpolitik, Pressezensur, auswärtige Beziehungen oder Investitionen ins Eisenbahnnetz sollten jedoch keineswegs vernachlässigt werden - nicht umsonst kann man z.B. Friedensverhandlungen einleiten oder auch durch Wahlniederlagen abserviert werden...

Auf einer zoombaren Landkarte lassen sich all diese komplexen Probleme mittels des bequemen und übersichtlichen Menüsystems sorgenfrei nacheinander abhaken, auch die eigentlichen Gefechtsbefehle werden auf diese Weise erteilt. Ist man mit den Einstellungen zufrieden, dreht sich die Uhr vier Monate weiter, und sämtliche Siege, Niederlagen, Aufstände, Kabinettsquerelen usw. werden fein säuberlich mitgeteilt.

Damit beginnt der Zyklus von vorn, und wir können beruhigt über die erträgliche Optik (1:1 vom PC umgesetzt), den nicht vorhandenen Sound und die sogar etwas verbesserte Handhabung berichten.

Alles in allem ein erfreuliches Strategical - und ganz ohne Sechsecke! (jn)

No Greater Glory logo

SSI/U.S. GOLD £34.99

Strategic Simulations Inc. are now well established in their field of game design with previous classics such as Eye of the Beholder II. After that recent success they have returned to their usual war game formula with No Greater Glory.

The game is an actual re-enactment of the American civil war and you play part of either Abraham Lincoln or Jefferson Davis. You have to undertake all the strategic, political and economic decisions that will determine the fate of the American people for years to come, and victory is dependent on how well you utilise these skills in relation to the available resources.

The main gameplay consists of a series of turns, with each turn representing a season or four months. These turns are subdivided into phases in which all activities of a given type are conducted and resolved. Summary screens show how you are progressing and mark out the important changes that have been made.

Your first task on starting is to assign a cabinet of five out of possible 12 politicians. Each member has to be assigned to a cabinet position, such as Secretary of State, Secretary of War, Attorney General and so on. Each character has his own statistics, including administrative ability, loyalty, and which region of the country he is affiliated with. This is just the beginning.

The real struggle is against the computer-controlled enemy. During the component game phases the player deals with dissenting states, plans his finances, positions troops and finally observes the result of these actions. In an attempt to gain the support of the public and the various regions of the country you must use all your diplomatic and strategic skills to win.

Quite honestly, I can't see many people wanting to play this game for more than two hours as it lacks any flair or lastability. The graphics are very bland and the game stays completely mute while you are playing. A piece of music or even the odd sound effect would have added some character. Everything you see is text and icons and no attempt has been made to add variation to the game system.

A two-player mode would have been a good idea and would have given the game more depth. I don't think the majority of advanced strategists, let alone the average games player, are going to find this game easy or enjoyable to play.