Noddy's Big Adventure is the sequel to Noddy's Playtime. It is an interactive educational and creativity package designed for three to seven -
A large range of subject areas are covered within the game, some covering early aspects of the National Curriculum, and incorporates different levels of difficulty so all levels of intelligence are catered for.
Every aspect of this package has been carefully designed with children in mind. The control s have been made as simple as possible, even the numbers on the disk have been enlarged to make disk accessing easy for young children.
However, with all the interlinking screens and levels it might prove to be a it taxing and frustrating for younger children to find the particular activity they want.
The graphics are bright and colourful and remain true to the original Noddy storybook illustrations. This, along with the realistic sound effects, is guaranteed to keep children amused.
Each of the different programmes have a fully interactive scene at the beginning and if a certain object is clicked on it will either animated or make a sound which is likely to appeal to a child.
The game is cleverly interlinked by a map which Noddy can drive round to each level and can be controlled by the child which forms a driving game in itself. They may end up enjoying this section more than the actual learning activities which would defeat the whole object of a learning package!
The separate word processing section of the package at first seems to be an excellent idea. A child can acquaint itself with the basic functions of a "grown up" word processor while increasing its vocabulary through the various word games and stories. However, the range of icons to choose from is a little confusing for a child and their concentration may easily wander.
There are a wide variety of activities included which range from Tricky Trees, a memory game where children must repeat sequences of notes, to Beach Sorter, where the aim of the activity is to place objects or animals into groups.
These are varied enough to keep a child's interest for quite a while but some levels may need lengthy explanations from a parent.
How much of a learning aid Noddy's Big Adventure actually will be is questionable. Although many parts of a child's early education are covered in this package, the way in which a child finds out whether they have successfully answered an activity is unhelpful.
Instead of pointing out why the child has got an activity wrong, it will simply say "No, listen carefully" for example, which may be quite disconcerting to a younger child. They may also become distracted by the not so educational features such as the driving game and the interactive screens.
Parental assistance may also be required for younger children to explain why they may be getting something wrong and to help them find the activity they want.
It's worth noting that Noddy's Big Adventure does require a minimum of 1Mb to run (2Mb if run from hard disk).