HOW many ninjas have you ever seen? No, really. I mean, I always considered Tooting to be a fairly multi-
The point being that seeing as they seem to represent the ultimate in covert operations as witnessed by the plethora of ninja games, you never see them about.
Maybe that's because they're so good at sneaking around or something, but eve they must have to nip down the Spar for a pack of fags every now and then, surely?
Anyway, this is all irrelevant. The sheet-
The evil Bangler, notorious dictator, gangland chief, pop group (no, not really) and fat old Sun reader has succeeded in becoming president. He now has the army and police at his control. The rebel heroes have constructed two robotic ninja assassins to track him down to his mansion and deliver rough justice.
At first you may be wondering why you have been transferred to the land of cinemascope because there are large tracts of black space above and below the play area. Ah, but this is in fact a cunning ploy. If you ever ventured into one of those devil's armpits called arcades you will have noticed that Ninja runs on three screens to give a panoramic view.
In order to simulate all three screens properly, the programmers, Random Access, had to fiddle about and reshoot in wide-
The strategy is not too difficult to follow - just kill everything.
Guys wanders on, have a go at you and either die or wander off again. You may also encounter rabid dogs, tanks and flying squirrels not to mention other patrons of the arts martial. It may seem a bit tame, but it is fun, very difficult and very, very absorbing.
Cunningness part two: You will be playing for some while and then notice something. Or, more like it, not notice something, because Ninja hasn't stopped to load anything in yet. Well, actually it has and it hasn't. It has loaded something in - it just didn't bother stopping. Ten million cunning points awarded.
Sampled sounds, pleasant graphics and nice animated sequences recreate the atmosphere of the arcade. Easy to get into, but there's lots of it and it gets challenging later on.
If I was stripped, bound and gagged until I could sum it up in one word, I would say "Mmmmph". Failing that I think "Compulsive" is the mot juste.