Do you 'love-all' tennis games? Or do you winder why the 'deuce' people buy them? Is there an 'advantage'? in (stop it now - Ed). Anyway, this is actually one of the better ones, especially if you think most are a bit finicky about where you place your little character on the court.
Here you have got something which has all the options you could want, not a great deal of variety in the shots, and a certain amount of excitement. The problem with it lies in the fact that you can actually beat the computer with ease.
This could well be part of the game's initial appeal, because it is immensely rare to beat any computer sports game first time out. But this, true enough, is an exception.
The characters do not look terrifyingly realistic, but who cares? They move quickly and you can play a decent game with them. Buy this if you are after some tennis-related fun.