Discover the secret of the pyramid

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BEHOLD! The Tomb of the Unknown King reaches up, yes, towering up even on to the heavens. The tomb stands silhouetted against the setting sun, flanked only by palm trees bent in homage.
You can almost hear the wavering strains of Wish You Were Here drifting across the mighty, turgid Nile, swollen with the tears of the damned.

I, Horus, son of Osiris the King of Life, bid you welcome and trust you can aid me in my quest. Many thousands of souls are crying out in torment, awaiting release from their underground prison. The evil god Set, embodiment of darkness and general bad egg, hath scattered the dead King's body unto the far corners of the huge tomb.

I am bound to gather them unto themselves and make them whole once more. When I have achieved this task, Osiris will grant me great strength and that dog-breath Set will be banished to eternity, forever.

Having a godly aspect, I can assume the form of a hawk to fly between the chambers of the tomb in search of the dismembered parts. But curse that snake-loving Set! He hath cast a spell upon the hieroglyphs that bedeck the walls of the chambers. They swarm around in the form of many small animated sprites, sapping my life force and inconveniencing me something terrible.

Thank mother Isis for the many amulets scattered around the tomb, frequent as the morning dew. The magic contained in these charms will help me greatly, providing great strength and mysterious companions. The many rainbow-coloured keys will grant access to locked chambers by way of the lifts, driven by a mysterious and ancient power source.

The enormity of my task overwhelms me. Even an immortal one as myself is temporarily stunned as the size of my mission is revealed. How many more chambers have been encased in this giant sandstone sarcophagus? How many eons will it take to fully explore this dark, stone underworld?

But now my memory plays tricks on me. Is this a previous reincarnation? Have I been Roland in the Caves in an earlier life? No, the memory passes and fades into oblivion as the haunting music engulfs me...

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LOGOTRON £24.99 * Joystick only

Not only are hieroglyphics difficult to understand, they can prove hazardous to your health. Well, they can if you are the son of an Egyptian god trapped in a pyramid. Then again, surely this should prove no trouble for a guy that can change into a hawk whenever the fancy takes him.

The task is to retrieve the seven pieces of your father's body. Hang on a minute: two arms, two legs, one head and one torso makes six. What's the other bit? Anyway, these are scattered around the labyrinth of the tomb and, having got all the bits back together, you must confront Set, the loathsome chappy who split them up in the first place.

The pyramid is represented entirely in 2D, with corridors linked by lifts. Horus can use the lifts while he is on foot, but quicker progress can be made along the passages by taking to the air. However, you need to keep a close watch while flying along because there are many amulets hidden amongst the hieroglyphics on the walls and these can only be picked up walking past them.

As well as the amulets there are also keys to be found and these are used to unlock lifts, which allow further exploration of the tomb. This exploration element is the main challenge in the game: trial and error searching to open up all the sections of the tomb.

The amulets have many different uses, all of them will prove useful. There's one that gives a map showing the explored areas of the tomb, several that destroy the attacking hieroglyphics, energy replenishers, firepower changers and a shield. You can even call on the help of two unearthly friends, Isis and Anubis, to provide gifts to aid Horus in the quest.

There are lots of different hieroglyphs that suddenly animate out from the walls and try to hit Horus. They behave in many ways but can all be blasted out of the way. You can soot them walking or flying, but it is much easier taking enemies out from the air.


The corridors and hieroglyphics are pleasantly designed but are nothing out of the ordinary. There are plenty of enemy sprites, none of them very large. The scrolling is smooth, except for a little glitch when the lifts go up and down. Not much in the way of sound effects but the music is good, plonking its way along through title screens and the game itself.


It's a passable arcade adventure with plenty of exploring, lots of objects and a deal of blasting that makes it stand out from the crowd. You will undoubtedly get enjoyment from it and it will not be easily completed, but the excitement level never gets very high.

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Lange bevor der Fuß eines Menschen die Erde betrat, trugen im alten Ägypten die Götter ihre Zwistigkeiten darauf aus: Seth meuchelte seinen Halbbruder Osiris dahin, dem es als letzte ridische Heldentat noch gelang, mit seiner Gattin Isis einen Sohn zu zeugen, der den Namen Horus erhielt. Diesem gelang es zwar, seinen Vater zu rächen, aber unglücklicherweise sollte der göttliche Friede nur ein paar Äonen dauern.

Bei der Errichtung des Grabes für Osiris war nämlich ein kleiner Baufehler passiert, weshalb die Seelen einiger Toten bisher vergeblich auf ihre Rettung warten. Die einzige Lösungsmöglichkeit ist eine Neuauflage des alten Kampfes:Als Horus muß der Spieler die Einzelteile eines unbekannten Königs finden und zusammenfügen, um erstmal die nötige Kraft zu bekommen.

Abwechselnd in menschlicher Form oder als Falke auftretend, irrt man sammelnd (Körperteil/ Waffen/ Amulette/ Schlüssel) und schließend (unter anderem Papyrus-Pfeile!) durch das Innere eines Königsgrabes, in dessen Tiefe sich der böse Seth verborgen halt.

Die Grafik ist von altägyptischer Pracht, Animation und Scrolling genügen ebenfalls früh- und neuzeitlichen Maßstäben. Leider haucht Horus seie drei Leben allzu schnell aus, trotz der sauberen Steuerung haben ungeübte Joystickartisten kein leichtes Spiel.

Und der Umstand, daß als Gegner eigentlich nur animierte Hieroglyfen durch die Pyramide schwirren, drückt ein bißchen auf die Motivation, sodaß trotz des stimmigen Sounds und der guten Grafik ein paar Wünsche offenbleiben. (ur)

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Price: £24.99

Long, long ago, before the time of mortal men, gods walked the Earth. One such god, Osiris, reigned as a benevolent king amongst the sweltering sand of Egypt. Under Osiris' reign everyone was happy and the land flourished. However, some were jealous, and Set, Osiris' halfbrother, was most overcome by this evil. In a fit of rage Set killed Osiris and spread bits of his severed body across the countryside.

At this time Osiris had an unborn son, Horus. When Horus reached maturity his mother told him of Osiris' fate and he vowed to piece his father back together. This done, Osiris' soul could leave for the heavens.

However, the hieroglyphics in Osiris' tomb had what you might call an editorial error. The only solution was for Osiris to breath life into the tomb so that Horus might correct his mistake. Unfortunately Set was also brought back to life and has once again split Osiris' body. You, as Horus, must repeat history; reunite with your father'd body, kill Set and correct the hieroglyphic typing error.

As you move around the tomb there are various amulets that will aid in your quest, some of which will allow you to call upon other characters.

Being set in a Egyptian tomb you would expect the graphics to be fairly Egyptian-tombish and you'd be right. The only problem is that most tombs look very similar, and this means that the scrolling backdrops soon become boring and give no indication of where you are. The character and enemies also lack variety with the exception of Horus who is well drawn and nicely animated.

An annoying Egyptian-type tune plays throughout the game. It can be turned off but this means you have to endure some pretty weak sound effects.

Eye of Horus is a typical maze game and a map is almost essential if any progress it to be made. All but the cream of maze games become very samey very quickly; but add to this the repetitive graphics and gameplay and you have a game all the appeal of a damp lettuce leaf.

The 64 version is faithful to the Amiga. Yep, it's just as boring and just as lacking in variety. The sound is to the same standard, lots of music but very few effects. Graphics are blocky and as uninspired as their Amiga counterparts. The only thing the 64 version has over the Amiga is smoother scrolling. Nevertheless I'd still advise anyone to avoid Eye of Horus like the biblical plague.

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Logotron, C64 £9.99 cassette, £14.99 disk; Amiga £24.99

In times longs past there was a paradise on Eath, an utopia populated by the gods and ruled over by Osiris. But not everyone was happy, indeed Osiris's brother, Set, was consumed with jealousy. One dark day Set persuaded Osiris to lie in a chest, then nailed it shut before throwing it into the river Nile.

Eventually the chest was discovered by Isis, Osiris's wife, who in comforting her dying husband became pregnant! While Osiris ascended to heaven, Isis gave birth to Horus, a hawk-headed god who can transform into a hawk for battle.

Horus's latest adventure takes place in a pyramid. Set has torn the body of the Unknown King entombed there into seven pieces. Horus must find the pieces and take them to their proper resting place - this will give him the power to take on Set.

To do his fighting for him Set has brought to life many of the hieroglyphics in the pyramid to attack Horus if he gets too near them. Horus can walk about in human form, and can only use the lifts on this way, but for battle the hawk is best.

Some of the lifts are locked, requiring one of eight different coloured keys to open them. There are also nineteen amulets to find. These range from the Amulet of the Soul (a hawk which follows Horus, spitting bullets), to the Amulet of the Collar of God which temprarily frees a man's soul from his body (invincibility in normal shoot-'em-up terms!), and even an auto-map. Some of the amulets must be used at the right place and time to complete the game successfully.

While exploring the pyramid Horus must be careful not to bump into Set. The evil god can take the form of a deadly dragon, and the whole screen shakes when Horus gets near him.

Robin Hogg There's very much an Entombed flavour about this Egyptian arcade adventure romp, although I personally enjoyed the Ultima game a lot more. For the most part it's fairly standard gameplay spiced up with some extra weapons and features. But it doesn't look all that original - something that prevented me from getting into the game as much as Stu. Nevertheless both versions look very good indeed with backdrops of a very Egyptian style, plus some nice tunes here and there. The 64 game mirrors its 16-bit counterpart extremely well, so it's a pity its difficulty level is so hard.
Stuart Wynne Denton Designs are among the most imaginative programming teams, but after the innovative Eco they have reverted to the sort of arcade adventure popular years ago. Initially Horus seems way too hard and, because you keep dying, repetitive. But once you take the time to work out the attack waves, controls, and amulets it gets easier. The game structure is very clever - the toads which restore energy and lives mean that after you've just got as far as you think possible, you can explore a whole new area. Graphics are top-notch for both machines. The C64 game is especially impressive as there's no multiload, but it's also harder, making it less playable than the Amiga version.