Remember the theme to "The Fall Guy"? "I've been on fire with Sally Fields, I've made love to a girl named Bo, yes I've had Farrah in the sack, I've been in love with Kim Basinger. Oh I'm the unknown stuntman, la de da da da"? What a great life eh? All the danger, excitement yes, women yes (or no depending on sex and/or sexuality) but danger? What sort of person thrives on danger?
The Danger Freaks, an elite band of stuntmen and women that's who. The idea behind this game is to carry out all the stunts in a certain movie without killing yourself and without going over budget. Flash tricks and breakages of any equipment are expensive. Smashing into anything or falling off or over things is damaging.
You are given three attempts to complete each of the stunts, which are composed of three sections. The "racing forward very fast" section, the "run to the getaway vehicle" section and the "clamber aboard the helicopter" section.
The racing forward bit consists of you moving at top speed, weaving in and out of obstacles such as violent policemen, holes, and rampant sharks. Certain obstacles take different approaches to get around. Barricades need to be ducked under, potholes need to be wheeled over. Sharks need to be avoided etc.
Graphics aren't very good unfortunately. Sound isn't that much better: the intro tune is poor and the in-game FX aren't really anything in the way of a step up.
Not Rainbow Arts' finest. A surprisingly sub-standard quality product from a company famed for raising standards.