L-l-l-l-adies and gen'r'men, roll up, roll up for the Ringling Brothers circus - the grrreatest show on earth. Step right up, step right up! You sir, in the ZZAP! T-shirt, the one with the bright red hair - you, and up to three of your friends. Right this way, right this way.
Feeling fit today are we, sir? Ready for anything? Right then, here's your special participator's ticket - if you'll just move this way now ladies and gen'r'men, you'll see this gentleman here take part in four circus tricks for the very first time in his life. A big hand for the competitor. Thank you very much.
And tonight's dangerous, hair-raising events are: the tightrope, trick horse riding, trapeze and, a big hand for this one, most dangerous of all, putting life and limb right in the path of death - tiger training. Step right this way, ladies and gen'r'men. Come to the circus... the greatest show on earth. Sorry sir, no fat people and no dogs...