B.A.T. 2 logo

Get ready to join the Bureau of Astral Troubleshooters, don your silly hat and trench-coat, and act just like a real detective. Strange worlds beckon in UBI Soft's latest adventure.

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? is the novel by Phillip K Dick, that was the inspiration for the ultimate Cyberpunk movie, Blade Runner. Now the indie programming team Computer's Dream have produced - they hope - the ultimate Cyberpunk adventure, BAT II. You're taken to the late 21st century where the people are a mish mash of Romans, Shedish (a highly evolved race from the planet Simian) and the Illcan (not so bright race of aliens). The architects of this world take ideas from the Roman era and mix them with technology to produce something they call a 'High Tech Paradox'.

You play the part of a BAT agent (it's an acronym, like UNCLE, and stands for Bureau of Astral Troubleshooters) on the search for evidence to prove how corrupt the Koshans are. It is rumoured they are forcibly taking control of all the known Echiatone mines in the galaxy. Echitone is a valuable spice, essential to the smooth running of the modern world, smacks a bit of Dune methinks. You roam the six sectors of Roma 2, the capital of the planet Shedishan, moving from screen to screen. It's like reading a comic: many of the screens are visible at once, their size relative to the importance of the location. As you look around the location the mouse pointer changes from an arrow to a credit card or a speech icon, depending on what you're pointing at.

Although a cross between graphic and text adventure BAT II encompasses other elements. There are four flight and one driving simulators, which can be set on manual or automatic. You can't damage yourself in the simulations and travelling manually is cheaper, but takes longer. A lot of work has been put into getting longer fields of vision in the 3D simulations, which gives the movement a more realistic feel to it. The simulations aren't just there for fun; they're the only way to travel further down the street you're on.

Your inventory is set up like a set of Russian dolls: A bag inside a bag. So you have to make sure you put things sensibly in your rucksack otherwise valuable time is spent trying to sort out the contents of your handbag when you should be collecting clues.

It's not all fun, fun, fun
There's an arcade section that not only gives your brain cells a rest but it's a good way to keep the cash-flow flowing. There are three arcade games in total comprising a Breakout clone where you control not one bat but four, a Chinese Chequers game and a weird thing in which you control mercury flowing through various pipes and taps.

At the beginning of the game you are given the option of which BAT agent you wish control. Jehan Menasis is the agent you 'get free', but you can design design your own with specific qualities, like 85 per cent charisma. A smarmy, handsome young man can creep his way around even the hardest-souled women.

Gimme five
BAT II comes on five disks and is not hard disk installable, though it does make use of extra disk drives. While loading doesn't take long it still ruins the atmosphere somewhat, and in a game like this the atmosphere is a big part of enjoyment.

Along the way you recruit allies. Before sending them on a mission make sure you give them a videopager so they are always in contact with you. You also meet a host of enemies. When in combat you choose between a text-controlled strategy fight of an arcade bash up where you get to unleash your pent-up angers on some rather dodgy-looking aliens.

This is the sort of game you get lost in... immerse yourself in tomorrow's world

BAT II is not copy protected, the coders have used the much maligned dongle protection system. Herve Lange of Computer's Dream explains: "We find that dongles are adequate protection against piracy, and it is the programmers fault if it is easily foiled." We will have to wait and see if his theory is right.

There are over 400 animated sequences, the colours of the city change as night falls to a dingy blue grey; overall BAT II looks very, very nice. There's enough detail to hold your attention eve if you're not getting very far, if say you're a novice to adventuring. This is the sort of game you get lost in, it's so huge it's difficult to know where you've been and where you go to next. But if you enjoy immersing yourself in tomorrow's world, playing a modern-day Sherlock Holmes then BAT II will keep you from the horrors of the real world long enough to maybe forget for a while.

Every BAT agent has a BOB, and BOB II is even better than the original. In real time BOB will analyse your agent, monitor all his bodily functions and control his heartbeat.
B.A.T. 2: B.O.B.
This is the BOB interface set into the BAT agent's wrist. You can get by without using the bioputer but you've got a much better chance if you master the programming techniques.
B.A.T. 2: B.O.B.
Clicking on the first icon brings up this screen. It displays your characteristics as a mark out of 100 and shows you how far you've progressed in terms of experience - and how much of the game you've completed.
B.A.T. 2: B.O.B.
Accessing this screen lets you measure the agent's heartbeat, gives you a body map with damaged areas coloured and enables you access to a diagnostic sub to program.
B.A.T. 2: B.O.B.
Each BAT agent, when recruited has a series of cybernetic implants surgically placed in his body. These are switched on by clicking on the function that you wish to operate. These are active for a short while so use your time well.
B.A.T. 2: B.O.B.
The Programming Module is basically a simple flow chart designing program. The language you program in is called 'Parallel Token', you only use pictures to design procedures and you can have up to five programs running at once. Exiting the program editor automatically sets off the compiler to convert your program to binary code.

B.A.T. 2 logo Amiga Joker Hit

UBI Softs erstes "Bureau of Astral Troubleshooters" war ein in jeder Beziehung außergewöhnliches SF-Abenteuer - der ganz große Erfolg blieb dem Game dennoch versagt. Also haben sich die Programmierer eine Menge einfallen lassen, um wenigstens der Fortsetzung zum ersehnten Kultstatus zu verhelfen!

Da die Persönlichkeit des Helden auch diesmal wieder Einfluß auf den Handlungsverlauf hat, wird zunächst ein individueller BAT-Agent gestrickt - bis zu zehn Geheimdienstler mit verschiedenen Charakterwerten (Intelligenz, Geschick, etc.) lassen sich entwerfen und abspeichern, einen fixfertigen Retortenhelden gibt's obendrein.

Mit einem dieser Herren begibt man sich dann auf dem Planeten Shedishan...

Hier ist nämlich ein gewisser Koshan drauf und dran, das alleinige Monopol über den hochwichtigen Rohstoff Echiaton 21 zu erlangen - was es zu verhindern gilt! Bewerkstelligen läßt sich das mit einer vorbildlichen Maussteuerung: Mit dem Cursor untersucht man ganze Häuser und einzelne Gegenstände, sobald Personen im Bild auftauchen, springen kleine Menüs auf, die verschiedenste Aktionsmöglichkeiten bereithalten.

Will man z.B. ein wenig plaudern, erscheint ein weiteres Menü mit allen bereits ergatterten Informationen. Dort braucht man nur ein Stichwort anzuklicken, schon erzählt der Gesprächspartner alles, was er darüber weiß. Praktischerweise sind die "interessanten" Stellen seiner Antwort markiert, so daß man gleich weiß, wo man nachhaken sollte!

Man kann die Leute aber nicht nur aushorchen, man muß sich aus bis zu vier Gefährten suchen. Gekämpft wird natürlich ebenfalls, und das sogar in zwei Varianten: entweder actionmäßig per Fadenkreuz oder eher strategisch in Rollenspiel-Manier.

Der "Handcomputer" aus dem ersten Teil wurde modernisiert, er ist nun einerseits leichter zu "programmieren" (Icons), anderseits werden gleichzeitig mehrere Programme abgespult echtes Multitasking halt. Außerdem gibt es ein perfekt durchgestyltes Inventory, und es wurden allerlei Action- und Geschicklichkeitssequenzen eingebaut: etwas Auto- und Flugsimulation (sogar mit Perspektivenwechsel!), Gladiatorenkämpfe oder recht lustige Varianten von "Arkanoid", "Pipe Mania" und Halma.

All diese Spielelemente hat man sehr geschickt mit den Rätseln und vielfältigen Handlungsmöglichkeiten verquickt - B.A.T. 2 ist ein ebenso stimmungsvolles wie komplexes und abwechslungsreiches Abenteuer. Ja, selbst die Präsentation hat gegenüber dem Vorgänger kräftig zugelegt: Nach wie vor ist der Screen in einzelne Fenster (ähnlich den Panels eines Comics) eingeteilt, diesmal sind die fantasievollen Grafiken aber nicht bloß animiert, sondern können mit einem beeindruckenden Scroll-Effekt aufwarten: dazu gibt's atmosphärische Sounduntermaling.

Das Beste zum Schluß: Da der Aufbau nach jedem Neustart etwas anders ist, kommt auch nach dem Durchspielen so schnell keine Langeweile auf. Laßt Euch diesen aufwendigen Genre-Mix also nicht entgehen! (C. Borgmeier)

B.A.T. 2 logo

If you're after an ambitious sci-fi adventure kind of affair, then you've come to the right place.

Here's a weird one. A vast science fiction RPG-cum-adventure game that built-in flight simulators, a pseudo racing game, an Arkanoid clone, a little puzzle game and even a spot of Chinese checkers. The more technically minded among you, can even get a spot of programming done during the game as well. Well, I did say it was weird. But is it any good?

Seven games in one, eh? Hmmm. How does it all fit together? Better make sure the glue's pretty good or the whole thing's going to fall apart at the seams and you'll be left with a misshapen blob on your screen. Thankfully, the glue in BAT II is damn good stuff, because not only does it hold all the bits together, it creates one of the most involving adventure-gaming experiences you're ever likely to come across.

Despite the fantastic futuristic plot - something along the lines of a company having a monopoly of a substance called Echiatone 2, the king being a robot and you having to sort out the mess - the game is remarkably easy to believe in. Computer Dreams have gone to great lengths to create a complete game world and it's surprising how quickly it begins to absorb you. Yes, you know it's in the 22nd century, when people can travel through black holes and do other absurdly unbelievable things, but the day-to-day life in Roma II is so involving that you believe that's how things will be 200 years from now.

All RPGs seem to start with character creation, and BAT II is no exception. It consists of adjusting pretty standard RPG statistics, including strength, charisma, vitality and intelligence. But as with most parts of the game there's a neat twist - you can define your desired combination of characteristics and use an in-game computer to trawl through the available agents to find your perfect match.

The first impression you get when you start the adventure proper is that you don't know what the hell's going on. Walk up a street and the screen splits in two. Go ina building and the screen divides into three. For the first couple of hours it's nigh-on impossible to tell where the Sam Hill you are, and where you'll be when move off the screen. The manual waffles on gaily about the Dynorama system, which enables 'images to come and go at will'. In theory it's a really good idea, but in practice it can often be downright confusing.

When you get used to the system, though, it does have many benefits. Because many locations only fill a quarter of the screen, they take up less disk space, and as a result you get more places to visit. It's also quicker to skip between four quarter-screen locations than to load four full-screen versions. See? It all makes some sense in the long run, you've just got to be patient.

The sound effects, often an afterthought in many RPGs, add immensely to the game's atmosphere. Stand in the street and you can hear spaceships taking off and landing, wander over to the arcade and you hear suitable pinging and whizzing noises. Step inside and they get louder. It seems like a small point, but it really does make it easier to believe that you're wandering around a real city - play the game without the effects and you lose half the atmosphere.

The sub-games also add to the realistic effect. The simulators are used to travel from one place to another - you can go on autopilot if you want - and you can gamble on the arcade games to win badly-needed extra cash. With all these extras, the the game world seems so much more complete. You find yourself living a virtual life in the form of your BAT II agent. After all, he has to eat, drink and sleep (he can even be merry if you want, but that's another story), which means you have to frequent the shops, bars and nightclubs, and find places to spend the nights.

As the game progresses you have to recruit new people to your cause. You can even send them on special assignments to help you along the way. But not everyone's friendly and you'll inevitably meet people who'd rather give you a good slap than give you the time of day. As with most sub-games in BAT II, you've got two choices on how to play the combat.

Adventure is ultimately what BATII is about

The strategy option shows a display of the combatants' characteristics and a text read-out gives you a progress report on the state of the battle. All you have to do is make sure your guy has the right armour and weapons. It's not thrilling by any stretch of the imagination, but it serves a purpose and gets you through the combat as quickly as possible.

Much more exciting is the action option, which gives you control of your agent's weapon and you have to blast away at the shadowy figures dashing across the screen - a sort of high-class Operation Wolf. More fun than strategy, and it also gives you a break from the serious business of adventuring.

But the adventure is ultimately what BAT II is about. The sub-sections do provide distractions, but they're all integral parts of the plot and add immensely to the game's realism. If you like games in which you can make rapid progress in a short space of time, steer clear of BAT II. IT certainly isn't a game to be taken lightly. You've got to take your time with it, become immersed in the futuristic world, absorb the game's atmosphere, and get to grips with the numerous game elements.

It's tough going at the start, but ultimately it's a very rewarding game to play. And anyway, a game that includes Philip K Dick and Jimi Hendrix on its credits list can't be all bad.

B.A.T. 2: Arcades
  • In the left-hand corner of the arcade you can play a rather tedious game of Chinese checkers. You should really only choose this one if you fancy a kip.
  • The best game is Quattro, a four-sided Arkanoid clone complete with power-ups. Play on here for hous, or until you lose all your money.
  • Tubular, a peculiar little puzzle game. YOu have to open and close taps to make each bucket contain the same amount of water. Very odd.

B.A.T. 2 logo

Interstellar intrigue and cosmic conundrums are only part of the problem in the super-charged follow up to the original Bat. Mark Patterson gets clued up.

The Burea of Astral Troubleshooters (BAT) is a kind of interstellar CIA, whose role is to safeguard the security of the Confederation of Galaxies by whatever means possible. Naturally this involves a few deaths, the occasional bit of espionage and a company credit card for their agents. As one of their men you've been assigned to track down a group of terrorists and free up the galactic economy which is suffering at the hands of the Koshan Corporation.

Before you being the game proper you have to define your character. A number of statistics such as strength, reflexes and perception go into his or her make-up. Each attribute can be increased beyond its preset limit, but doing so will reduce another category. When the physical aspects have been sorted, your agent has to be trained. You have eight weeks before embarking on your quest and seven skills to learn, such as weapons and survival.

Although you can spend more time learning specific skills and neglecting others, it pays to have the best mix possible as you never know what's around the next corner.

The game starts in Roma 2, the capital city of the planet Shedishan. You've been sent in to support special agent Sylvia Hadford on a mission to break The Koshan Corporation's monopoly of the mineral Echiatone 21. You start off at the space port with no equipment, no money and no idea where your rendezvous point, the hotel, is.

When you do track Sylvia down she gives you a credit card and a few useful documents. She then goes into more detail about your mission, which is to acquire shares in the Echiatone production plants through underhand dealing with corporations and civic figures.

You're not alone, though, as throughout the game characters can be recruited to help you in your mission. Once someone has decided to help you it pays to give them a video phone - that way you can keep tabs on them and they can contact you as soon as they come across any information.

Travelling around Roma is an expensive business. The cheapest way is to take the Via, a futuristic land car. You can pay 300 credits (plus a fine if you crash) to drive it yourself or 400 credits to have a computer pilot. This is all very well, but you can only access the towers which house corporations from the air. For this you need to use the trusted sky taxi service. Like taxis all over the galaxy, they cost a fortune, but are an essential part of the game.

The game is entirely mouse controlled. The pointer changes when it moves over an object or area your character can interact with. For instance, when you move it onto a door it changes to an arrow, or to a talking head when moved onto another character.

It is almost impossible to miss a key object or location with the system, as you can find out everything contained there by simply moving the pointer around. Objects are used automatically when needed, but if you don't have the required item the cursor turns into a question mark.

The programmers have described the architecture of Roma 2 as 'Hightech paradox', whatever that means. What it looks like is the Blade Runner sets on a midsummer's day - potentially sinister if it wasn't so bright. The graphics are displayed with a system called Dynorama, which shows the locations in comic book-style panels. When you move onto a new screen your previous two locations are also displayed, which is a little confusing at times. I would have preferred one large display instead of three small ones.

Conversing with other characters is the key to advancing in BAT. When you click the pointer on a person the communication window appears, displaying a list of topics you can ask about. When they reply, key word will be shown in red and clicking on these provides further info. Most characters say the same thing though, and this is where I encountered my first problem with the game. I had been told to seek out the AIC building, but when I made an enquiry about it I was told I needed the AIC card.

When I asked about the AIC card I was told to find the AIC building. Eventually I gave up and found it by luck. Unfortunately, luck doesn't make for a good game, and there are several instances in the first part of BAT 2 where I had to stumble blind through Roma 2 hoping that I was going the right way.

You can only ask people about things you know already. So if you discover a new corporation their name will be added to your list of potential questions. Of course, probing around these giant corporations does attract interest and sooner or later you're going to end up in a fight. There are weapon restrictions in Roma, but providing you don't go flashing guns about, you can normally carry your blaster without drawing any attention.

Combat can be played in one of two modes: action, where you pot-shot your foes, or strategy. The latter of the two is best employed when there are several people in your party, as you can see what chance the individual members have of scoring hits plus how many hits they've taken.

The first section end with you being wrongly arrested for murder. In order to get back into the galaxy saving business you have to enter a Roman-style arena, where you fight other future gladiators to try and win your freedom. Survive that and you journey into space where you have to solve the final part of the mystery and bring stability back to the galactic economy.

BAT 2 is a gigantic game, which is reflected in its five (count 'em) disks. The manual has to be read before you load the first disk, and even then you'll still need to play one throw away game just to bet used to combat and controls.

Ubisoft have opted for dongle protection similar to that used in Dynablaster and Ocean's Robocop 3. The dongle plugs into the back of your Amiga and only then will the game load. Apparently, they only cost 60pence to manufacture, so why the game costs a whopping £34.99 is beyond me!

If you're a fan of the original Bat you'll probably love this, otherwise be prepared to put aside plenty of time to et into what is a hugely involving game. The rewards are almost certainly there, it's just find them that proves difficult.


BAT features several sub-games which aren't integral to the plot, but are fun to play anyway. There is an arcade which has versions of Chines Checkerse and Breakout, as well as an original game called Tubular.
There are also a number of simulation sections where you pilot spacecraft, cars and airplanes. These are good fun and are a nice diversion from the sometimes heavy-going main game, and can't be avoided, so you'd better be a dab-hand a steering with the mouse, or saving the game out on a regular basis.


The one piece of equipment that you start the game with is your Bidirectional Organic Bioputer, or BOB for short. This device is an ultra-sophisticated computer which is built into the arm of your agent, and monitors your physical condition as well as patching you up after combat. One of its most useful features is its ability to accept implants which increase your agents abilities, allowing him to go without sleep, heal faster, let him see at night or even change the way he looks.
BOB can also be programmed to react to certain conditions. For instance if you're not doing so well in a fight it will automatically activate the healing implant, it can even be used as an alarm clock.