CAN you remember when Breakout was described as knocking bricks out a wall? Well now they've changed the name and given it a new raison d'etre.
Actually, they did this ages ago with a plot the Beano would have rejected. I just can't imagine the bat as a spaceship and the ball as an energy bolt. Even the instructions can't keep up the pretence and resort to calling a spade a spade.
The Doh of the title is a dimension-
What the heck, it's still a good game. And so it should be - it was converted from the Taito coin-op by Peter Johnson, an old hand at conversions.
So there you are, batting balls around the screen trying to knock out these bricks. At various stages in the different screens aliens move in to hamper you. When these are hit they go out with the sound of a match striking.
The first few aliens are minor nuisances. Some are large and bounce all over the screen. Really annoying.
When hit, some of the bricks release capsules which have special powers - they may open the side wall, allowing you to move on to the next level, or they may turn your bat into a magnet so the balls stick to it.
Other capsules give you an extra life, slow down the ball, cause a ghost bat to follow you around, effectively increasing your chances of hitting the ball, and produce a twin bat effectively doubling the size of the bat - but watch out for the gap between them.
I like the laser, you can just blast the bricks away and forget about the ball.